In this assignment, you must imagine that you are part of a consultant group working for the Developer, and you are dealing with Quality Assurance.


Your group consists of a 4-man group (you can choose the groups yourselves)

Your job, as a group, is to take-over a building from a contractor. To do this, you must inspect the building for defects and shortcomings.

The teachers would like you to go out onto the campus and choose one building, which you group must inspect for these aforementioned defects.

Do a photographic survey of the defects you find, and write some notes about them, and present it as a Power-Point presentation. The time of presentation will be given by the lecturers. Everyone in the group must present at least one defect, and give an account of the problem and how it will result in damage later on, and give a solution for how it can be repaired.

The group presentation must not take more that 10 minutes, and be minimum 6 minutes long.

The groups doing this exercise have from morning to lunch-time to complete the task. Tomorrow morning will be used for preparing the presentaion and for the presentation itself.

Upload the presentation here: